Kaya skin clinics, owned by the marico group is a complete sham.I have been to their clinics in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore.All they are interested in is making money for themselves.Each clinic is given a monthly target and they will go to any lengths to acheive it.
Their products are ridiculously expensive and so are the skin services and laser services.They quote more than the original prices and then pretend to give you a discount.They recommend peels to everybody regardless of wether they require it or not.
Once you fall for it and pay for a service they keep trying to sell all kinds of things wether you require it or not.They will keep calling you and pestering you.The doctors there are told by the clinic managers to recommend all kinds of services and more sessions than what a person requires so that they can fleece the customer.The whole group is a complete sham.BEWARE.Dont believe the ads.