Its Nd:Yag laser technology Kaya clinic use…but not clear which Nd:Yag laser is it…
Q-Switched Nd:YAG: With a wavelength of 1064nm, relatively low melanin absorption, and skin penetration up to 5mm, the Nd:YAG laser is an excellent choice for laser hair removal, at least in theory. However, the nanosecond-range pulse width of the Q-Switched YAG is thousands of times too short to cause complete disruption of the hair follicle, resulting in prompt hair regrowth. In order to enhance absorption of energy, a suspension of carbon particles can applied before treatment, usually after hair removal by waxing, allowing the carbon suspension to penetrate into the follicle and conduct absorbed laser energy to the follicular structures, as in theThermolase SoftLight system. Although safe for darker-skinned patients and effective for short term hair reduction, the Q-Switched Nd:YAG is generally considered the least effective laser for long-term hair reduction.
Long Pulse Nd:YAG: Unlike the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers generate pulse widths that closely match the thermal relaxation time of hair follicles. Clinical investigations have demonstrated little if any skin reaction, even in dark skinned patients, and excellent prolonged depilation. The Lyra Laser system uses a cooling sapphire lens and scanner for rapid treatment of large body areas, and has recently been approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. The CoolGlide uses a large single spot and cooled handpiece. The Athos and Depilase systems have just been introduced to the US market: FDA approval for hair removal is pending.
So Q-Switched Nd:YAG is not effective…also there was a case in the past against a company(Softlight) whereby it was proven that Q-Switched Nd:YAG **does delay hair regrowth upto 6 months but does not permanently reduces it.(
So if Kaya is using Q-Switched Nd:YAG ….the catch is to give 6 sessions and delay hair regrowth by 6 months or so and when hair reappear then:
1. give patients maintenance sessions(if client has negotiated life time guarantee)
2. tell patients that we anyways told ya that these hair are fine and the laser does not work on fine hair
3. tell patients that regrowth cud be because of other reasons like pregnancy, post marriage hormonal change or any other kinda hormonal change….