I am Lipi Patel, a regular customer with Kaya Skin Clinic since August 2008. I was undergoing two treatments, Dark circle reduction treatment and deep pigment reducer treatment costing Rs 23, 450 from Kaya skin clinic, Gurgaon.
Since last one yr I have been going to Kaya Skin clinic every alternate weekend. The deep pigment reducer package did not give any positive results, in fact it resulted in lot of acnes and hence I stopped the treatment half way. I was already dissatisfied with Kaya Clinic as their claimed that they will reduce my deep pigmentation never happened and on top of it they spoilt my skin more. But as an extremely busy person I let it go that time. I continued the dark circle reduction treatment with the hope that it might reduce my dark circles, which also hasn’t shown any results since last one year.
But the ultimate test of my patience happened when I was taking the treatment for dark circle reduction. On that day the dermatologist in Kaya DT mega mall suggested me that they are increasing the% concentration of the peel as compared to normal days, so that it will give better results. I trusted the doctor completely as I trusted on Kaya brand name and believed that they must be hiring renowned doctors because of the amount of money they spend on their advertisements & promotion.
The dermatologist at Kaya DT Mega mall applied very high dosage of the peel around my eyes(approx 30%) that day. After the treatment my eyes were excessively burning and after a while it had inflammation, redness and pain around my eyes. On this the doc got nerveous when I complained and gave me an oitment and asked to put ice.
To my shock I realized the next morning that the skin below my eyes is totally burnt and had become black and scaly. I was horrified looking at my face in the morning. Even my friends and family were shocked to see the condition of my face. It was so horrible that I did not want to step out of house. I met the Kaya DT mega mall staff & dermatologist but the attitude of the staff was so disgusting even after seeing my burnt face and after the carelessness shown by their staff. According to the manager there it’s a casual burn and will improve in some days. I can’t fathom how something as critical as burns on the face especially in sensitive areas like under my eyes, can be taken as a small & regular affair.
Their services are below the permissible level and they shouldn’t get way with it just my the power of big advertisements & promotions. If their core service is providing critical service like medical & dermatological treatments they should at least take care that they don’t burn a client’s face in the process of their treatment. They are decoits and dupe gullible ppl by promising them that they ll achieve the unachievable and by showing big dreams. For a gal her looks are very imp and they are using this weakness of ppl and looting money from them. I will suggest plz donot take any of their services.