Money and money if you got too much money then go to Kaya Clinic but if you are a middle class family time or you are looking for a best skin care routine and less amount of money then please dont go.
See my experience with Kaya Clinic when I was in the first year of my college I used to break out a lot so I so I search for Clinic to clear for my pimples and then I went there I made the appointment and doctor told me you have to go for a clear facial and Chemical peeling so you know I paid some amount around 3000 and it goeson increasing up to around 25000 but my result for the pimples was nothing.
What works for me was Chemical peeling it wasdone around once in a week and the Chemical peeling basically what do it just remove a very little later of your skin face so that you know it looks good on all the and then you can start coming over it after using for around 2 months of service from the Kaya Skin Clinic my expenditure was around 38000 but the result was very minimal so I tried to back off from that place stop my all the services from the Kaya Skin Clinic
They also suggested me a kind of service like laser treatment its charging of 1 and a half Lakh that was to be done in delhi its all because they dont have that kind of machine in ncr so that it was too costly so with charging too much amount for 1 and half later I stop all services and finally my money was wasted this things happen to me so please guys if you are looking for to relaxed, then go to the Kaya Clinic but if you are middel class family people and you want a good skin then please try to find some other place or try to the darnatologist in another hospital so that they can guide you better.
Dont gooooooooo