There are many peer-to-peer (P2P) softwares such as Kazaa, Grokster, E-Donkey etc.These softwares are free to download and in most countries are illegal to use as it gives rise to piracy on the net.
But do you know these softwares are Spyware? Spyware means any software which employs a users Internet connection in the background without the users knowledge or consent.During installation of the software there is End User License Agreement (EULA) which is displayed and most of us tend to accept it without reading it.Kazaa which installs Cydoor and Brilliant software which tracks your surfing activities.Cydoor which monitors your surfing activities like what type of sites you surf, what links you click on etc.Brilliant is which it sells your hard disk space, bandwidth to other companies without your permission.
You can remove these type of softwares by installing an Anti-Spyware software.One of the award winning software is Ad-Aware which you can download from By removing these spywares programs like Kazaa may not work, but to ensure your privacy you have to compromise.