It was last Saturday when we went to celebrate my brothers recent promotion in K.C. Dass. We planned for a party in Barbecue Nation first, but later finalized the place as my bother came to know, diabetic sweets are available there. Well, me and my hubby always try to avoid this place as we have experienced their rude behaviors before also. But this time we had to honor our dear brothers preference.
As we entered the place we found it over crowded.Quite normal for a Saturday, in a shop near brigade road. When we tried to find a table nobody came for help. We asked the waiters who told all the empty tables are reserved, which I didnt see a single person is occupying till the closing time.Wel, no prob. We were already prepared for this kind of behavior, so waited patiently for our turn standing near the showcase displaying sweets, to their annoyance and disapproval. No other options, as we could not go out of the shop and wait outside like beggars!
After 15 minutes we managed to grab our seats. After 5 minutes his majesty, the waiter arrived. That also with not his own wish, my brother waved at him. We ordered Hing Kachori first, which took another 15 minutes to arrive. We sat helplessly, watching them wiping hands with paper napkins.....a very uncommon fact, now I realize.....I have never come across any waiter in any restaurant who generously use napkins from the restaurant itself!!!!! Well, the food served to us was good, we enjoyed those hot kachoris very much. We needed some more, so we called the waiter for this. He came with "Kya ho giya? Kya chahiye?" Oops! was it language problem, or simply "Attitude"? My hubbys face turned scarlet, I know he cant take this kind of arrogance. We ordered and got the warning, "Finish your plate first, then we will bring".....Oh My God! Are we eating something in some "Khairati" rituals? I had to pacify both my hubby and my brother as they were fuming and was cursing themselves in a low voice for coming here. We got the second order after we finished the first one and waited for 5 minutes more, with sticky fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!
We felt like having some sweets and curd after the meal, so ordered for Rasgulla, and Gulab jamoon...the sugar-free items were just the double of the ordinary price, but tasted so good. We were relieved that we dont have to face those waiter again, but it was not yet over!
We were asked whether we will pay by cash or card. We chose the second option. Our card was taken without producing the bill, which was another odd one. When they required the signature on the merchant copy of the credit card receipt, Then we were given the bill. A lil bit higher was the price than other sweet shops which we didnt mind at all. We took the time to wash our hand before signing which seemed to be too long for them. They almost chased us away, saying its closing time, we r in hurry. Unspoken, you better be off, and dont come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very surprised this time, seeing the extreme rude behavior of those waiters. All of them look aged, we cant even scold them. They even dont pay attention to their owner..the lady was asking repeatedly to clean a table which they just ignored with a straight face! Heights of arrogance! Why do K.C. Dass authorities appoint these ill-mannered bunch of people? A great mystery indeed!
Do you want to know the aftereffect of eating those delicious kachoris? All of us suffered from horrible stomach pain so that we hurried back home leaving all works behind. Our celebration turned to a nightmare, we were not able to eat anything for rest of the day. I never imagined those simple looking food had this much destructive effects. Next day followed by horrible stomach upset for which we had to take medicines also. Feeling very much drained now while writing the review........I hope I dont have to go back any time..........I will avoid the shop like plague from right now! My sincere advise is, take home delivery or take-away items from them, but never opt for the Dine-in service.It is disastrous!