What a movie it is beautiful scene, nice way to direct, great effects, awsome story, nice screenplay, good cinematography, nice dialogues.
This movie is based on kedarnath flood disaster.And which is added with love, which is actually the best thing I wanted to tell.
The director direction is awesome. He really done a good work because as we know that kedarnath flood killed about 5000 people.It is also the most haraas time for we Indian because we lose our people.
And that disaster is added with love thats the greatness in the story.
Susanth singh really give his best acting in this movie. And Sara ali khan debuded from this movie. She looks awesome, at the end of we can say about Sara that her acting is just awsome like Amrita singh and she earned that from her mother.She gain the confidence from Kareena kapoor.
Nice movie I liked this movie.
Good songs, music ???????? everything is nice.