Kehta Hai Dil Baar Baar
I usually hate to waste my time writing about films that I didn’t like. But this is an exception. This is so bad that the review has to be written.
Why did I go watch this film?
The first reason of course because it has Jimmy Shergill. And that is also the only reason that I sat through the entire film.
And secondly because it was the only release this week.
Why did this film get made?
A US-based Indian, Rahul Dholakia, got up one day saw Meet The Parents and decided to rip it off to make a shoddy remake.
Why did the stars agree to act in this film?
The only thought that comes to mind is the fact that the film was shot mostly in New Jersey, US of A. A good vacation alongwith work!!!
Why was the majority audience Gujarati?
The story is about a Gujarati based in America who has come up the hard way and is hell-bent that both his daughters should find guys which fit the bill of 3P – Patel, Professional and Property Owner.
Why was the humor so dull?
Again the humor is what I would like to call Gujarati humor. Because only the Gujarati audience in the theatre found it funny. (No offence to other Gujaratis who don’t think it is mandatory to laugh just because the joke is cracked by The Roger Patel.)
Why am I writing this review?
Once again to emphasize enough that this is one of the worst films that I have ever seen. It is not just amateur director added on with bad screenplay flavoured with bad performances, some really bad songs and bad jokes.
What are my final words to the director?
Dear Mr Dholakia you should probably try to run India On Wheels (that is the food service that Jimmy runs in the film) instead of making another film. Ever. Ever.