Truly to its brand slogan.. definetly the coolest one.. We have been using Kelvinator Refrigerator 165 L for the past 25 yrs and it has serving us to the fullest . I hardly remember any maintenence being done on it. Normally electronics goods have a certain life time, so with tht in mind we thought of buying a new one. No other brands came into our mind other than KELVINATOR. Since at times we experienced shortage of space ( thanx to my moms habit of cooking ).. we wanted a refrigerator with sufficient storage space. we had two things one was of the space I just mentioned and other was less freezer capacity. Finally we ended up buying 220L Super cool Royal bottle green color.This was of the one we were looking for.
Its got enuf space with abt 4 trays and with additional 1s for keeping bootles. The door compartments are also utilised to the maximum. It costs around 13, 000 which I think is very reasonable. In all I guess another excellent product from an excellent company