Its a hill station in the heart of western ghats.
wehad heard of that place from one of our friend in office but had noidea how to reach there. we got some information from drivers , shopwalas and people with whom we could communicate . we changed 3 busesbefore reaching the foot of the hills where kemengundi is there. it is13 Kms from there. took maruti omni upto the place for 150 rupees. kemengundi has got15-20 rooms in 5-6 cottages, 2-3 canteens and an office where thereceptionist sits. thats it. we decided to have beer. for that wecalled up a guy at the place that was 13 km from there (near the footof the hill ), but we got a big kela as he got warm beer and were askedfor service charges for bringing that.
next day we enquired about the water fall and fewother tourist places around it. the jeep wala asked for 1500 rupees forshowing all that places. by that time we had spent more than our budgetso we decided to go for tracking instead of going to those watefalls.we tracked for around 2-3 hrs.
whenwe came back to our rooms there was no jeep, bus, car to take us we started on foot. after travelling for about 2 kms with our bagson our shoulder we got totally tired and we had to go another 11 km. sowe called up the receptionist to send the jeep when ever it comes. wewaited for one and half hour and then decided to cover the distance onfoot. jeep came after we had covered about 1km. from there we changed2-3 buses before reaching berur.