Hello friends, food processor is the moderan device which is must for every house. This device help the housewives to there work fastly and to spend more of there time with there family members.
I also purchased this for my mother so that it will help them to do there work effectively and fastly. They start using it but it creats a very loud noise which is very powerfull and which is not hear able for my mother, this is not enough there is one more problem that is its quality is very bad as the blades which they provide along with this product is not able to cut the things as this blade is not sharp.
This product is having good design which help them to hold it properly, it also have a safety lock which protects from any incident.
But its poor quality creats very big problem as it stop working. For which I went to there service center, at this place they take it for 7 days and repaired it but even after repair the problem arrive at fixed interval. This shows that there quality is really very cheap.
I recommend to the kenstar to please dont compromise with the quality.