We bought Kenstar Karishma in Oct-10 after getting a good review from our neighbor whod bought the m/c a few years ago. The quality of the parts and their finish is definitely very bad. The first casualty was the knob and a few days back(this is less than 6 months of purchase) the whole switch assembly has broken and dislodged . the m/c works only in 2 & 3 speed.
The dealer where we bought the godforsaken stuff has said that there are no spares for the m/c. The m/c is NOT at all working after "repair" by Company service agent LOL. at least it was running on 2 & 3 before "repair".
Wed used Butterfly mixer grinder for almost 8yrs before we bought Kenstar. regret buying this one. wed certainly not recommend anyone to buy this m/c.
I wonder why Kenstar has so aggressively cut cost to reduce MRP of the m/c from around 10, 000 to 5000 at the cost of quality(perhaps egged by competition from Gilma, Inalsa and the likes) and now have certainly lost the faith the customers had in the brand.
I see a lot of complaint against this product on Mouthshut. I suggest that all of us aggreived customers lodge a single consumer complaint with the consumer forum. we could publicize this further with a facebook page "Onestar Kenstar" already online.