We bought a Kenstar 1 ton A/c in 2005. Right after the 1st year it started being a pain in the neck for us. Its body makes so much noise when d compressor is On; the button controls on its panel function on their own sweet will. Biggest trouble area has been that the Customer care is unresponsive & very pathetic. We have had to get the gas refiled almost every summer.(As against my other locally assembled A/C which has never required a gas refill in almost S!X yrs now . yes u read that correct!)
Though I have not used any other Kenstar elctronics, on several other Indian websites Ive found really pathetic comments on Kenstar products; And I couldnt agree any more with them. This co. has no right to be in India where we still want value for each Rupee that we spend.
This Delhi summer, I am going to chuck this piece off to some kabaariwaaala; and perhaps buy some other co.s product.