KENT PRIME TC IS THE BEST WATER PURIFIER IN THE MARKET. WITH ITS TRANSPARENT COVER DESIGN IT LOOK AWESOME.IT PROVIDES double purification of RO+UV+UF, which removes even dissolved impurities such as chemicals and salts. The TDS controller maintains essential natural minerals, thereby providing 100% safe & tasty drinking water, which is ideal for consumption.
best water purifier in its range in the market.
filter change ALARM.
3.maintenance is very is less filters need to be replaced after 1 year costing around RS 1200.
4.The pricing of this purifier in market is Rs 19000 but easily u can get it for Rs 15000 as I got one.
- its better then aquaguard as it has 3 stage purification
a.REVERSE OSMOSIS- RO-The pressure is applied on the saline water side to get the purified water.
b.ULTRA VIOLET-UV -UV rays is used to kill the microbes and germs.
c.ULTRA FILTRATION -UF-This water purifier is used to remove suspended solids, large molecular, weight materials and other dispersed material from normal water.
d.TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS-TDS-There are certain dissolved solids presents in normal water like calcium, chloride, nitrate, sulfur, iron and many other dissolved solids. Not all of them are harmful, in fact in some portion, all of them are required for having healthy life. has a 9 liter storage capacity so u dont have to wait during power failure.
7.very stylish design.while hanging in kitchen or dinning hall looks elegant.
- as its RO based purifier water gets wasted.Not all home requires RO purifier, do check the TDS level before you buy RO purifier.
2.SERVICE though is little on the down side but its not bad as every one tells that kent service is very bad no its OK you can trust them.
this is very good purifier I would definitely. recommend this to my friends & relative.but before buying do check your TDS level before buying as all the home dont require RO based purifier. I have been using this purifier for the last 8 months not a single issue just the TDS needs to be adjusted for that just call the kent guys & they will do it for free for 1 year its very easy u can do it by ur self as I have been doing. If u r in doubt u can always call kent customer care
1800 100 1000.