Horrible - thats a one word description of Kents service. Certain amazing facts are:
a) For a 15K Kent Grand Plus RO Water Purifier the dealer Aqua world(Jaya nagar, Bangalore) quoting Rs 7500 as AMC. If the AMC cost is 50% the cost of a product, why buy such a product? Im amazed by the fact that KENT has no role in after-sales-service, AMC etc. They have left it to horrible dealers.
b) When you call them for a service(my Kent RO Purifier is still under warranty for some more time), the girl(s) picking up the call at the dealers office are ill-mannered, confused and they try to confuse you. They confuse you regarding scope of the warranty. When I called the girl was sometimes losing her temper.
c) When the actual service engineer arrived on a weekend(after lots of confusion - after confusing me on week days, asking my details n number of time), he actually did nothing - no cleaning, no regular maintenance. He just had a look and said the machine is fine and needs no cleaning - wonder why he had come.
Its a mistake to rely on Kent as a company. Your amc rates and all are solely dependent on the dealer. If one googles, one can come across so many complaints on Kent. It seems Kent authorities have no time to look into the complaints and they are in their comfort zone.