Ive been using this Kent RO Supreme purifier for a few months now. I went for this Purifier given its price, availability and range of products. The availability shouldve been an indication for me that the product is highly not recommended. But what I didnt realize then, hit me later. The water that is filtered is very impure.
When contacted the customer care, no response. No one came to check the system, perhaps that is how their purifier works! Highly unprofessional behavior. Same day, my son happened to drink the water, result - food poisoning. And, that was it! I couldnt control my anger anymore. My little kid was in hospital.
Decided to write a review to bring to everyones notice to not buy Kent. I will also file a legal suit against the same. They cant get away so easily. To people using Kent, please beware or change the product as soon as possible. Even a local brand will be better! You think you can save time of boiling water by buying a purifier, but this purifier adds to your agony.
Unexpected from a brand that has an ambassador like Hema Malini. Instead of spending the money on advertising they shouldve used some sense and spent that on the filtration system.
Prefer boiling water instead of buying Kent, your familys lives are at stake. Also, a warning should be added to the product CHOKING HAZARD!