Carrying on from where I left in my previous review on “Choosing a Water Filter”, I write this concluding part. Readers who first want
to know about the various methods of filtration available may first read that article.
Friends here I will only enumerate the factors that you should consider while choosing your water purifier and not recommend any specific brand. The reason is that there are some good local brands that may be available in your area and you should give them a fair chance of informing you about their product before you take a decision.
Just to reiterate the conclusion from the previous article, we need to now look only at the RO or Mineral RO type of water filters. While doing so keep the following in mind.
TDS of your tap water – Any of the brand salesmen who come to your house will first of all take a sample from your tap water and test it for TDS. TDS stands for total dissolved solids. The higher the TDS the worse is your water. The recommended TDS in water is about 50ppm. PPM means parts per million. Up to about 500 may be acceptable. Anything above 750-1000 means your water is very contaminated. And anything-above 1500 means that you are drinking liquid manure! But the one thing to remember here is that even if your TDS is within the recommended limit, you need to be sure that there is no heavy metal in this. The method to do this roughly is by electrolysis and to be actually sure you have to send the water to a test lab. Since this is a difficult proposition, I therefore recommend that to be on the safe side simply go for a RO purifier irrespective of your TDS.
Electrolysis – You may also let the salesmen do electrolysis of the water sample at your home. This will give you a rough idea about the metals that are dissolved in the water, based on the colors of the precipitates.
Mineral RO vs. conventional RO – The difference between these I had explained earlier. But I will elaborate a little more here. Mineral RO system combines the advantages of the conventional UV system with the latest RO technology. The water first passes through the UV chamber and then through the RO membrane. Further some water from the UV stage is added to the final water so as to increase the TDS level and provide the minerals. But do remember that if you are a real fanatic, then this added water may also bother you. But then there is a feature there by which you can adjust this level from 0 to about 300. I would recommend keep it at about 50-90. So the jist here would be, go for a Mineral RO and keep TDS to a minimum of about 50ppm.
However do check the cost difference, if you can find a local RO system with a much lower cost but without mineral RO feature(meaning that it will not have the UV filter), then it may be worthwhile to go for it. But if the costs are comparable then the one with UV will be better as we can adjust the TDS of the final water.
RO membrane – This is the heart of the system. Do check the make of the RO membrane. Most companies are using an American brand, which they all unanimously accept as the best.
Waste Water – Using an RO system does entail a lot of wastage of water. About 60% of the original water is wasted. But here again I have to point out that this water need not be thrown away. This can be easily used for washing utensils, sweeping swabbing the house. And most of all to water your lawn or potted plants. This water is especially very good for the plants as it contains a high density of the minerals and is almost like manure for them.
Warranty – Check the amount of warranty that the company is providing.
Spare part costs – Check the cost of their spare RO membrane. This is the main component along with the carbon filter and will need replacing in a year or two depending upon your usage. Its cost is also important in the purchase decision.
Service Network – Do also check the service reputation of the company. Do they do it themselves or through associates. It will make a big difference to your purchase experience at a later date.
Installment scheme – Is the company providing any installment scheme for paying the settled amount in 6 or 12 installments without any interest. But do talk about this after you have finished negotiating the price as otherwise they may jack up the price.
Buy Back Arrangement – You may already be having a UV or other filter in installed in your house, which will become waste after you install a new one. Is the company willing to take this back and that too at a reasonable price?
Storage Tank – Ensure that the purifier you choose does come with a storage tank of at least 8-10 lts capacity.
Rate of Water Flow – The minimum rate of water output should be around 10- 15 liters per hour so that you don’t have to wait endlessly for the water to be purified.
Installation Scheme – There are basically three types of installations available. First wall mounted. Second kept on the slab top of your kitchen and the third type is that where the main unit is on the slab top and the storage water tank below the same. Choose the one that is most appropriate to your kitchen and your style of functioning.