Kent RO+UV Water purifier is a good product. We get a good/quality results out of it.
But beware of the maintenance costs as well. We bought Kent for 14000/- an year back and we had complaints 4 times till now. The water over flows from the top atleast once every 2 months.
It automatically stopped working exactly after 1 year (guarantee period is 1 year) and the person who came for repair said the motor is gone and it would cost us 900/- + 250/- for service charges.
When we had similar complaints on overflow during the first year, they used to send a guy who used to repair it temporarily. Its used to be good for a while and start overflowing again.The initial cost is 14k+, which is ok as the product is good. But the maintenance cost is too much.Be aware of these things before buying any Kent water purifiers.