I have been using the product for 2 years and have not really faced a major product issue.
The problem is their ridiculous servicing arrangement. Kent has a network of service agents, who are all out to make a fast buck by recommending replacement of perfectly functioning components. Unfortunately, Kent shares the data on date of installation with their entire network of con men, who keep calling every month stating that the filter is due for service.
If you allow one of these clowns to service the filter, dont fall for
a) please replace the UV lamp
b) please replace carbon filter
c) please replace blah blah blah
All the replacement parts (claimed to be new) will be in a polythene bag with no indication of date of manufacture etc, the replacement offered is guaranteed to be picked up from another customer the previous day
The clowns who come for servicing carry a water quality measurement device. Insist that they take a measurement before they start servicing and a measurement after they clean the components. Make sure there is an improvement and not a degradation in the quality of water after servicing (they are perfectly capable of making it worse).
If you do need a replacement component, insist on a new sealed package with date of manufacture ..he will say that he will need to come another day - which is better than taking a second hand component.
The 1 star is because of the massive dissatisfaction with servicing arrangements, the product would have got a much higher rating, if not for the massive failure of the company in ensuring basic minimum service process standards
Sriram Iyer
P.S: If someone from Kent is reading this, please change the servicing arrangement and fire the entire lot of con men currently operating as service franchisees (at least fire the entire set in Bangalore)