I would like to share the research work that I did for installing one water pruifier at my house. The need to install one water purifier arised due to salty water availiabilty at our location. The water source was the tank water whose TDS ranged from 400-600 ppm. I was buying packaged water for drinking purpose which used to cost me 600 rs per month. This investment made me to think about getting one water filter. I wanted a system which has both RO & UV purification technologies i.e water should pass through RO and after that it should pass through UV also. I was very clear about what I wanted.
I looked only for Aqua Guard & Kent as they are established players in thie field. I called Aqua Guard representative for a demo. They came and demonstrated the machine. It was good but he could not answer some of my basic questions. Pl note that our human body needs at least 75 ppm of minerals (TDS) from water. The representative checked the water TDS it was 400 ppm. He said that RO filters up to 90% of minerals. So I should get 40 ppm as the purified water which is below our need of 60-70 ppm. Moreover Aqua Guard doesnt have a system with both RO & UV rechnology. So, basically I want to convey the message that I do no have any control on the water output TDS. If the inlet water quality drops to 200 ppm which can happen the the output water quality will be 20 ppm which is not good for consumption.
Remember too much filtration is also not good. Then I asked the aqua guard rep to show a model with both RO & UV where water passes through them in series. He showed me one model called Blu Sensa (I dont remember the name) where both RO & IR tech is there. But the problem is that if the I/L TDS is more that 230 ppm then water passes only through IR not through RO. If it is less then it passes through RO & not through UV. I was not satisfied with Aqua Guard Model.
I then called Kent rep, he demonstrated Kent Mineral RO, with both RO & UV tech. The beauty is that I can actually control the water out put TDS by adjusting a knob. But for this I had to buy the TDS meter for rs 1500. Our water supply quality changes from hard to soft which can change my water purifier output quality from 20 to 65 ppm. So I regularly check the raw water quality when ever there is water fill. Accordingly I change the output TDS in my Kent RO. Moreover the filtered water from RO is passed through UV for furthur purification.
I hope the point which I want to convey is clear.