I had written this review 3 years back and just forgot about it but again I thought to share my views about this product.I bought it in 2010 and using it continuously without any issue and only tap was faulty withing 3 months of the installation and that has been replaced by the AMC free of cost.It was only serviced within year without any charge however they dont do any thing in servicing except cleaning of the filters.
I have relocated to different place and reinstalled by the local vendor because KENT guys were asking much for simple installation.I am using it since June 2010 and as of now in 2012 there is no issue and even after recommendation from KENT I have not changed my filters and getting the same excellent quality that I use to get when it was new.Both places I have tanker supply water and ground water having TDS of 700 or more and it works well.
Still I dont have plan to change the filter cause its made on filter change alarm technology so I am waiting for the alarm to indicate or when I would feel bad smell or bad taste in water.Its very good product and I love it. I have three members in my family and we use it for all purpose and it did well.
Please dont believe on AMC people and dont change filter until alarm indicate it because it is made on same technology and we paid for the alarm.I felt it is a better in taste than any packaged water except Bisleri and KF that is very costly. water is so tasty that you would not like to drink any local packaged water anymore.
Amit katiyar