Well I bought the system 2 years back. But the system broke thrice. In the first year I have to replace the adapter ...the auto cut, ... then later I replaced the tap and today I have to go for total change worth 3000 rupees. the uv tube ..choke, , reverse osmosis mem. and simple filter all have to be replaced.... i bought uv tube for 500, rev, osmosis mem for 1400 and choke for 400.
Please tell me if the above prices are reasonable. . I am soory guys I cannot recommend you this product but I still feel thre is no equal alternative to this machine. Because well when it works no doubt it gives clean water though not 100% clean. Our water supply shows the tds count of 550 and with kent it goes down to 150 levels. .Poor service but mostly that is a local problem.
I changed the distributers from where I bought the system to the one with whom I had good experience before as they have too started selling the product . they are responsible and come on a call..The company must bring up some customer satisfaction survey from its distributers so that it can rank or replace the non performers...