Hllo frnds.I have buy kent RO water purifier system.well six month after buying given nice result.purified water much well as minrel water.after six month test of water after filtretion is much differ then before test and its going down gradualy wordt test.while company gave 1 year warrenty.called the service enginner for chack and find out the real problem.he unfold cover and putout water filter candels.he said that 3 membren filter and one black sand candil was not working properly.and demands to change as per company promise.i shocked when he said that company will not replace all.only three primery candel in warrenty.its realy horrible.this seems that sell for product company always going to propegenda trick.after sell the hidden egenda of company comes in public.my suzzetion to all my frnds that dnt purchases any product after saw advertisment.just come to know properly then buy any product.