I like the kent water. its good. so in a way product is good.
But, when it comes to service. its pathetic.first reaching them itself is a extremely difficult task. and once complain is registered. no service.
This is Kent company service. not some agency.and its bangalore. not some remote location.and product is still under warranty
My kent is lying dead for quite more more than week now.
We complained. and this is what we got on phone. ignore the unreachable/ not picked things.
1st day . will happen today.
2nd day .somebody will come tomorrow
3-4th day. somebody will come tomorrow.
excuses. it was raining. had other complains.etc
came on sunday evening. touched all the wires. removed . rejoined. it worked intermittently.then failed.
Said. some electrical problems. will come again tomorrow.with spares and will do it.
we are lucky. he did really came next day. with one more person. but did not got the spares.
again. they touched . and reconnected all the wires. and said will come tomorrow with spares.
so tomorrow is gone. no response yet.
what should I do now. throw it away and invest on some other water purifier. or find some local mechanic. as the Company will not service it. they just believe is making sales.
probably the reason. its still in warranty. and they might not get any money out of it.