Kent RO is a tuped product. Its certainly regarded as a well know brand for Water Purification but this particular model showcased that all that it seem isnt good in real life.
User friendly its easy to operate as youve to only press the plastic tap liver to get a glass of water or you can make the same liver stand if you need to take water in a big volume. 7 liter of clean water it can provide you as per brand. Part from this you cannot do anything yourself with this RO. You cannot check the PH level of water that youre drinking or the state of candles. Mine pump mptor was blown off because 1 day. Kent service man and with 1 more support guy to cover this replacement under warrantly.
Durability; ROs Body. It has a durable body. its made from very good plastic. It feel very neat and compact.Water tap that you use is the only thing youve to touch to use this whole RO unit.
Handy its not something that youll keep on shifting or need to carry along here and there. It does its job and very compact.
Its very simple and designed to look stylish. Its sleek and compact.
Service is rude. I had 2 different occasion when different guys came for service and both were arrogant man and they without any reason or provocation accused me for mis-handling the RO.