The kerala Ayurvedic Health Spa is a clinic which follows the Ayurvedic school of Medicine and treatment. Ayurveda treats diseases and ailments with herbs, roots, bark of trees and even leaves.It also employs the use of massages with specially prepared medicated oils, depending on the ailment. This branch of medicine is popular in Kerala and guarantees a No Side effect treatment , unlike the Alaeopathic medicines.It was this fact which tempted me to visit this clinic. But to my utter shock, I was asked to fill forms giving every detail about myself and agree to pay a hugh amount of money, even before I got an appointment with the doctor or received any consultation or advice. In addition, I was advised by the secretary at the counter, that it was necessary for me to take a massage package of 1 or 3 years and pay up in advance. Then I was sweetly informed that I could let any 1 member of my family, avail of the massages in case I had to miss them due to unavoidable reasons.This was supposed to be a very profitable inducement to me to accept the package. Of coarse, I did nothing of the sort and almost forgot my health problem and got away as fast as I could,
Maybe the treatments are good and also the massages. But I am not sure as I have received conflicting views and experiences from people around me. But I know for sure about a particular kind of massage where the client/patient lies on his back with some medicated oil dripping drop by drop onto the centre of his forehead, for almost half an hour from a pot hanging above his face. This was recommended to me by my friend. She said it was extremely relaxing and totally relieved her stress. Also the ambiance was totally like rustic , with brass oil lamps, sandalwood incense sticks (Chandan Aggarbattis), etc. reminding you of beautiful , lush villages in Kerala
You would say whats in a name ? But by just naming the clinic Health Spa they are taking the gullible client for a rough ride.And this is all the more so when you realise there are so many Kerala Samaj clinics all over Bombay doling out the same medicines to you at perfectly reasonable rates.