Kerala Gods own country best place to enjoy but food not good any where north indian will suffer and ppl dont know proper english and hindi to speak where ever you go you wont get ppl speaking proper english n hindi as the kerala is most educated place which I came to knew that only malayalam reading and writing makes them 100 % educated what rubish if they cant speak attleast hindi but tourism is good compare to other states they all ways up do something new but no proper unity between the district the loby plays big role in this.
They are not supporting the malabar district to develop in infrastructure and tourism there shold be unity to develop the whole keral not some district and kerala police very helping in all the ways. I love kerala all natural can improve lots in all the ways as my tour was holiday as well as business I found tourism develops fast but not in business field labour problem every where and daily some political topics they get and the come on the roads with red flads shoting inqulab zinda badah what is going on ppl having lots of time time in such activaties but dont know how it effects to those peoples only.