Well, after reading the comments on my review, Ive decide to withdraw it (for good!) - since I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the mail (regarding KFC) I had received. (although I had mentioned this very explicitly in my review!). In fact, the intention behind me submitting this review was to get to the bottom of the matter and check the authenticity.
I do not want to end up being some rumour monger! I keep getting many mails with weird things in them - but then, this mail about KFC was serious if it was true - this is why I posted it on mouthshut.
Well, anyway, All thanks to people who have commented on my review, next time round - like my all other reviews, Ill make sure not to write anything unless I have some concrete information on it!
In fact, today, Ive been reminded of a lesson I had learnt long back - that we shouldnt pass on information unless we are sure about it - we should not act as a link in the rumour mill. I guess, Ill be much more careful next time!