Dear Gautam Menon
Ever since I read your punchline A policeman who protects the city cannot protect his family, I was waiting to watch Khakka Khakka - The Police. The tumultous trailer from your team, and captivating comments from my trusted circle greatly enhanced my desire. And I broke my busy schedule to go for a first class ticket in the second Show at Archana Theatre, Coimbatores best theatre.
The first five minutes of the film put me in devilish delight. When I understood the narration strategy some time later, I was clapping like anything to the annoyment of the theatre. The way Surya thinks that everything is a dream, and his recovery to reality is in lovely line with psychological shock analysis. Full marks to your narration. The song Uyirin Uyire was never expected too early, and the single song was worth the whole pay. In that sense, your audio and visual crew have given a herculean performance throughout.
Thanks for introducing Rajasekar, who seems to be yet another cameraman to join the elite list of captivating cinematographers of Kollywood. His angles, closeups. longshots, clarity and all others are of the highest order. He is the currently the hot personality amongst my Visual Communication friends, and he deserves a huge round of applause. Art work by Rajeevan matches the performance of Rajasekar, pixel by pixel. No one has stopped talking about the lonely seaside house, set up for the film. The picturisation of the songs deserve applause, as every song adds to the mood and momentum of the film.
From Saamy to khakka Khakka, Harris Jeyaraj has shown a trailblazing transition. The songs have been eulogised by one and all. The rising bit after Suchitras hum in Uyirin Uyire, Karthiks unmissable Lalalala in Oru Ooril, Bombay Jayshrees passionate rendering of Ondra Renda, the peppy Siragugal Neezhuthe in Ennai Konjum all set new standards for quality music. Thamarais lyrics are highly potent and she(alongwith you, Rajasekar and Surya) establishes herself as a mainstream artiste of Kollywood.
Coming to the plot Gautam, I think you had a tough time to choose between the predominance of action and romance, and the people believe that the ultimatum was placed on romance.You were done in by the untraditional fight sequences and the great on-screen chemistry between Surya and Jyothika. Many people believe that you capitalised on the romance buzz between Surya and Jyothika and underplayed the expected action in the movie. I cannot blame, as I found the mixture apt and convincing enough.
Characterisation and blending the film with reality come nicely to you, as I has seen in Minnale. Likewise in Khakka Khakka, the portrayal of characters Anbuselvan, Maaya, Swetha, Srikkanth and Pandya are all brilliant. the scene were Surya releives Jyothika against the traffic police, Jeevan justifies his surprising decent handling of Jyothika, the conversation between Surya and Balaji at the hospital are all examples. And I lavishly laud your brave efforts to toe the film with reality, a very ardous task in Tamil Cinema. There are a few flaws too, which are well forgotten.
I never estimated that you could write dialogues so well. All the dialogues between Surya and Jyohika are all classy. You are in close competition with Madhan(Anbe Sivam) for the best dialogue writer of the year. I simply loved the conversations between Surya and Jyothika outside the stadium, inside the canteen and before the first kiss.
Another impressive ability of yours is your cast selection. There could have been no substitute for your screen performers. Jyothika is the best fit for the li(o)vely and ravishing school teacher. Even personnel from the police department are envious of Suryas physique and psyche as Anbuselvan IPS. Together the pair is tremendous, and their romance is admirably appealling. The romance is so natural that at times, even your deft dialogues and splendid scenes are termed artificial. Daniel Balaji and Devadarshini could not have asked for better roles to exhibit their skills. All other cast fit their bills.
I knew that you underwent many obstacles towards making of the film. I understand that you had financed the film after a particular stage, and that you struggled to advertise the film during its release. But I hope that you understand us the A audience. We leave the traditional and masala movie makers unscathed. But when we run into high quality film makers, we would demand to the deepest. I hope that explains to you the hues and crys on Khakka Khakkas quality.
Overall, I would like to appreciate your concern for purity and quality of Tamil cinema, congratulate your valiant efforts to conceive a great theme and make it a virtous reality, and thank you for an entertaining and satisfactory quarter dozen hours inside the cinema hall.
I dont know about the others, But for a passionate Tamil fan like me, it was a RENDEZVOUS with Reality, Romance and Rise of Tamil Cinema. My prayer is that people Khakka Khakka(Protect Protect) your film and team, by providing the required encouragement
Urs always