Recently I went to a khadim showroom at manisqure mall & bought two shoes, for the first shoe the sales man convinced me to buy with size no. 6 whereas my size is 7, he assured me after using for sometime the size will fit with my feet as it will stretch.
It is also important to mention that I requested for some others colors which they could not provide. For the second shoe I got my required size & color, I was satisfied with my selection & shopping. The shock came just after three days when I realized the size six does not fit me at all.
I immediately visited the shop to inform them about the issue & to my surprise they refused to replace it.I was disappointed since now this pair is useless .Alas! Eventually, the entire sole came out from the pasting. I again visited the shop & expressed them my nightmare .They took it for a repair job & committed to return it to me within 7 days. DO YOU ALL REALLY THINK I SHOULD EVER VISIT ANY KHADIM OUTLET?