When salman khan (not our sallu bbhai, this one is an MIT grad. ) asked his niece how she was doing in her class, nadias mother told him--- "not so good".But salmana found nadia to be a very bright girl.
Nadia replied--- I find maths tough.Salman lived in new york and nadia in other state so to help her, he made a video on youtube and shared it with her.Few months later, he started getting many comments from people, thanking him for posting videos.So he started online teaching, leaving his job and fully concentrating on his online teaching videos.
Later he got donation in millions from people like bill gates and his videos are so popular that they are being used to teach students in african countries, those who had to leave school for some reason and those who are getting home-schooled.
I teach children i.e. I take tuitions and I make them do the exercise available on the website.Moreover its free so not a thing where I have to compramise. The website is very interactve and students easily connect to it.