Today, Nov 30, I took my younger sister to Medicity Kharghar to get her 3rd shot of the rabies vaccine. To my shock & surprise, I was told that the hospital will not be able to help us since the vaccine has been prescribed by a doctor who does not belong to the hospital!
It took me a few seconds to realise that I had actually heard something like that for real! To add to the ordeal, we were spoken with quite rudely by the staff since we did not takeNO for an answer & were quite insisting in our approach. Also, while all this was happening, they even refused to put the vaccine in the fridge(it has to be kept in a cool environment otherwise it gets spoilt) which made us wonder even more if we were at the right place for the kind of help that we wanted. Also, there was no logic that they could provide for having made such a stupid rule!
Anyway, all I wanted to do through this post is highlight the stupidity of Medicity and their rules/policies.
A hospital is built to cure/care for the patients not send them back without even helping them.
Am not sure if there is humanity left in the so calledgods in the form of human beings.the so called doctors of this hospital called Medicity!
God help those who have to go to Medicity out of helplessness.if thats not the case, this hospital can clearly be avoided!