I got to know from few friends that this is a good place to visit to have ethenic assamese food, but unfortunately my personal experience was failed to meet those expectations.
I and my wife we had ordered 2 non veg thalis, with 2 pcs of smoked chikens. But, the chikens is worst ever, n literraly I could not take it, because that was not fresh, may be very old stock n so was smelly n from the little portion of the meat that I could take from that I found the preparation of smoked pork was not right. When I called up the one waiter standing out there and after reporting the same to him, he just tried to escape saying that "the meat should not be bad" and hopefully later after we left the place he must have seen the big pork pieces lying in our plates when he was cleaning up the table.
The thali was full of other ethenic dishes, but believe me non of them are I found tasty, except the sweet rice dish. Atleast I would never advise people this place. Except neat n hygenity n too many of dishes to have at a single place there nothing is spl abt this place as well as the foods. Personally I would never visit again. Other few food huts in the city are Dellicacy, majulir ekhas, maihang, paradise are the best available in the city