Well, I still wonder whether the Indian audience has matured enough to
like a movie like KHOYA KHOYA CHAND. It is a beautiful rendition of
emotions which are complex, ego and power tussle between man and woman.
A very subtle portrayal indeed which the mass audience may not
understand. This movie is a genre apart. Like love cannot be defined,
it is difficult to review such a movie. It is very close to heart and
all can attach some part of their lives with this movie. We all have
gone through ups and downs emotionally and can relate to it. If you
need a food for thought just go and watch this movie. It makes you
think. Shiney shines and Soha is great. Seems this movie was made for
them. In one word I can call it - SUPERB!
It might not be a hit in bollywood terms but it will leave its mark on
your heart and mind, given that you should have one;-) Not for
practical movie goers who want paisa vasool.but for ones who
understand life - how cruel it is - and carry on with a smile.khoye
khoye chand ki talash main.