Kid A was an album that received so many mixed reviews that I thought its about time I wrote my opinion and added my views.
I must admit, they have produced some cracking tunes in the past if somewhat depressing.
Creep must live forever as a masterpiece by Radiohead as wil the haunting street spirit.
I was therefore hoping to find one Jem on this album.
I havent yet.
This studio album takes a less live approach and focuses more on sampled sounds and tracks that would be hard to recreate live.
Here is my review of the tracks.
Im going to use a new graphical review tactic.
Heres the guide as suppled by Andycharger!
Good. (o¦=
Indifferent. Io:=
Bad. )o:=
1)Everything has its place
To open the album they have gone for a moody percussionless piece that sounds like a school music project. This sets the scene for the rest of it. Keyboards and organs seem to dominate this album instead of Guitars and drums.
Track Rating: )o:=
2)Kid A
Ah the title track. This must be good? Well, it isnt.
Again moody and fully of keyboards and some percussion added this time. Vocals are obviously played through some form of voice alteration box as it sounds distorted.
Track Rating: )o:=
3) The National Anthem.
A bit better. More like Radiohead of old. It has a powerful bassline this song.
Drums sound very much like a Radiohead song. Not too sure about the Jazz type solo going on in the background. Sounds like a load of people who have never played a wind instrument are murdering them. An awful sound that muffles the song.
Like the Bassline though so its a bit better.
Track Rating: Io:=
4)How to Dissapear Completely.
yes, this is more like it. If there is to be a good track on the album, it has to be this one. A return of acoustic guitars and some effects accompany the vocalist in a slow song.
The light percussion and string section make it a nice piece of music to listen to with the lights out.
Track Rating: (o¦=
A return to the keyboards brings with it another forgettable song.
A moody instrumental that seems to go on and on forever. Very disappointing. I could do better with my keyboard!
Track Rating: ]o:=
Badly titled song but suprisingly good. Vocals are back as is the guitars. One that most people have the best chance of recognising from the album.
Percussion comes from a floor tom by the sound of it until the full kit kicks in later in the song.
Track Rating: (o¦=
7)In Limbo.
the way im feeling now after listening to this album. Not sure if I should turn it of or jump off a bridge.
Keyboard is back but It now has vocals and guitars. Seems to be the best mix I think.
Vocals raise visions of Street Spirit in me.
Track Rating: Io:=
Sounds a bit like a dance record to me. A refreshing change for Radiohead. I quite like this track but not sure if true Radiohead fans would.
Vocals break it up a bit but it makes me think of Depeche Mode form the early 90s!
I like this one.
Track Rating: (o¦=
9)Morning Bell.
Drums start off like a Song by The Jam.
Keep expecting Paul Weller to make an appearance but he doesnt.
Soft Vocals and the keyboards are back again.
rivals track 4 for best song.
Track Rating: (o¦=
10)Motion Picture Soundtrack.
Motion Picture Soundtrack starts off and I think im in Church!
Not a lot to this song and it is a poor end to an Album that had started to improve.
Track Rating: )o:=
Dont go out and buy the radiohead album if you are hoping for good times and feel good music. It wont happen.
Do buy it if you like Radiohead or want some very miserable music.
Album overall rating: Io:=