Well, let me begin this review by saying that I am neither a fan of
dutt, minnissha lamba OR pritamS HORRIBLE MUSIC FOR THIS FILM kidnap, to
give this moviIE "THUMBS UP".I genuinly feel that the critics in INDIA
are having a field day by praising every film that they they think is
out of the box, like A WEDNESDAY, ROCK-ON, JODHA AKBAR, AAMIR(one of the
most over-rated films I have seen this year and a lot other, it seems so
obvious and clear that whoever have paid the critics or they are
biased to they will give a good review, otherwise they will thrash the
film to pieces, i am sure if this same KIDNAP would have been from the
YASHRAJ CAMP the critics would have raved so much about the film
, that you would have forced to bilieive that there is no better
film than that, as happened in case of both the DHOOM SERIES, and
also the film OM SHANTI OM, another trashy film got great reviews
and a blockbuster status.so it really
makes me wonder what made the critics bash the film KIDNAP
so much when it actually was not such a bad film as it was made
out to be, i was so keen to watch this film in the theatres before its
realese but there was such a negative buzz about the film after
its release that I was hesitant to watch it on rent, forget
theatre.but I watched it on VCD AND REALLY I couldnt find
anything bad about the film, it was a pretty decent one time watch
film, it was as bad or good like SANJAY GHADVIs last two hit DHOOM
SERIES and I am not praising this film because I am a fan of somebody
in the film, its just that what fails to make me see why do our
critics are so biased when it comes to certain filmmakers or
people in the industry or certain genre of films, they will give great
reviews even if the film is undeserving but will trash the
same directors film if it does not boast of a big banner or a
Well, i will not go into the story of the film KIDNAP, but what I liked about the film Ill write here
Like I said it was as good or bad like any other commercial hit
film, it had all the masala, ingredients which are required to make
a film a hit and keep the audience entertained, i thought on that
account I found the film very entertaining, it didnt bore me one
bit and thats what I expect from a masala potboiler, though I
do not exactly like such kind of film, this one was pretty
convincing as a evil guy, considering he has just begun, there is a
certain amount of sincerity in him which I like and admire about him, he
was very good in certain scenes, and if this guy works a bit on his
hindi, dialouge delivery, he can be an actor to really watch out
for, i like him the most amongst all newcomers, just because of the
amount of honesty he has shown towards both his films and roles.SANJAY
DUTT was pretty good too, he looked good and did decent job in the
though they had replaced with some much better looking actress someone
like an AYESHA TAKIA, GENELIA or AMRITA RAO, it would have made the film
look better and the acting also of the above said actresses would have
been better, i just cant stand MINNISHA, she ia way too over-rated
an actress and does not have the looks or charm.Rest of the starcast
was passable.
Chemistry between IMRAN and MINNISHA was good though, it was very
unlike the typical bollywood chemistry that can be seen when a
hero or heroine romance, coz there was not any romantic angle between
the two(IMRAN-MINNISHA, )it made it even more exciting.
CINEMATOGRAPHY was good, some of the locations were very beautiful.
I loved a lot of scenes between IMRAN KHAN and SANJAY DUTT, esp the
chase scene and when Imran khan gives clues to SANJAY DUTT on the
phone were all good.they were a lot of edge of the seat
scenes, though not very fast paced but nevertheless keeps
you glued to the screen.
First half of the film rocked.
What I didnt like about the film,
MUSIC was a sore point, except MIT JAYE.this is
Pritams worst score, not even one song which makes you sing
along, so very boring music and very strange lyrics, .
VIDYA MALVADE and MINNISHA LAMBAs costumes were dreadful, both dressed
awfull, i wish they were not made to wear such bad looking
clothes.and MINNISHAs unneccery exposure, what was the need
of it?All those bikini tops made her look very very
cheap.and weird.If you expose, if there is a need for it
its still fine but without any need it looks bad and thats what has
happened in MINNISHAs.CASE.
The film is very slow and boring in parts, they could have made the film
more crisp and fast paced considering the film belongs to a thriller
genre, tthe director could have done a much finer job, to keep the
audiences completely glued to the screen, i think thats where the film
failed big time, its entertaining but only till it lasts.had
they kept the pace of the film much better it would have surely rocked.
Second half is very slow and boring.
So all in all I didnt find the film as bad as it was made out to be, it
was fairly entertaining and definately better than a lot of crappy
films which come, get great reviews and become blockbusters, so watch it
people without any bias and you may end up enjoying the film . like I
did.I am not defending this film in any way because it definately not a
great film but it was not as bad as it was made out to be.