The movie begins with an interesting account of a boy growing up through hardships of juvenile jail during the credits.. however it loses steam within 15 minutes with terrible songs and not so great performance by minissha lamba and vidya malwade. as you might have been able to figure out from the promos and trailers minissha is kidnapped by Imran and the story revolves around her father sanjay and imran slugging it out over something from the past which doesnt seem to be a compelling enough reason to make a story out of it.
if you leave aside the performance of Sanjay Dutt and Imran Khan the movie has nothing to offer. poor directions, hard to digest sequences of events and terrible songs. the biggest letdowns are :
the whole premise that someone would follow up on his revenge after such a long time and in such a fashion. come on find something more convincing
sanjay dutt is shown to be a big shot biz tycoon with networth of some 51 billion usd and he comes down to india to personally investigate a case of misappropriation of 20 million usd.... would he really care for .039% of his money going missing and find it important enough to fly down to india......
3. dressing sense of minissha lamba... never once during the film can you make out that she is a helpless kidnap victim. shes been put there just as an eye candy and even that attempt fails. the clothes that she has worn throughout the movie as a kidnap vicitm make you just feel so foolish watching her scenes.
- vidya looks more like sanjay dutts daughter than spouse... even though early on we are told that she married at a young age of 18 still she never looks the part of a 36 yr old mother nor minissha ever looks like shes just a teen.
the upside/pluses of the movie:
from a candy boy image and character to playing a toughened bad guy imran has managed the transition really well.... he gives a great performance as a kidnapper who means serious business and can easily be vicious if you push him far.
sanjay dutt continues to rock...quite convincing as a biz tycoon with a tough exterior and a soft core for people he loves...
the movie overall is not bad but its definitely worth a dekko just for Imran and Sanjay dutt.