On the plane from Seoul to Vancouver, they showed the movie, Kill Bill-Volume 1. This is a film about revenge.
.: My Review:.
Ulma Thurman is about to be married, when a group of assassins attack her and those attending the ceremonies.
The assassins are called the Deadly Viper Assignation Squad. Bill is the king pin of these people, and is angry because when decided to quit and get married because she was pregnant.
Bill ordered a wet hit, (killing), on the Black Mamba, (her code name).
The Squad who come to the wedding are Bill, (David Carradine), O-Ren Ishi who?s codename is Cottonmouth (Lucy Liu), Vernita Green codename Copperhead, (Vivica A. Fox), Budd who?s codename is Side Winder (Michael Madsen), and Elle Driver who?s codename is California Mountain Snake, (Daryl Hannah).
Every one at the wedding was slaughter, except the Bride. She was shot in the head, but lived.
Bill sees that the Bride is the only one not dead he sends Elle Driver to the hospital to add some poison to the drip bottle. At the last minute he phones her and tells her to forget it. She clicks her cell phone, looks at the bride and says, Thought that was pretty f@ckin funny didnt you? Word of advice, shithead, dont you ever wake up.
She was in a coma for four years. When she wakes up, the revenge begins. She travels around the world, to get her revenge.
.:The Kiss Of The Spider:.
Before the revenge takes place there is an animated sequence that introduces each of the people, and their life, the Bride is going to kill.
The Black Mamba decides she is going to get her revenge by killing each of them in front of their loved ones.
The venue changes, when the Bride buys one way tickets to the next country.
.:The Quotes I Liked:.
The Bride, Just because I have no wish to murder you before the eyes of your daughter, does not mean parading her around in front of me is going to inspire sympathy. You and I have unfinished business. And not a goddamn f@ckin? thing youve done in the subsequent four years, including getting knocked up, is going to change that.
Bill, Do you find me sadistic? Yah know, I bet I could fry an egg on your head right now, if I wanted to. Now Kiddo, Id like to believe that youre aware enough even now to know theres nothing sadistic in my actions, maybe towards those other jokers, but not you. No Kiddo, this moment, this me at my most masochistic.
Copperhead, So I suppose its a little late for an apology, huh?
Hattori Hanzo, What brings you to Okinawa? The Bride, Im here to see a man. Hattori Hanzo, Oh yeah? You have a friend living in Okinawa? The Bride, Not quite. Hattori Hanzo, Not a friend? The Bride, Ive never met him.Hattori Hanzo, Never? Who is he, may I ask? The Bride, Hattori Hanzo, because I need Japanese steel, (the best sword in the world). I have vermin to kill. Hattori Hanzo, <I.YOU if I Steel.??< Hanzo Hattori need you rats big have must>The Bride, Huge.
The Bride after a huge fight, Those of you lucky enough to have your lives take them with you. However, leave the limbs youve lost. They belong to me now.
O-Ren Ishii, Your weapon is quite impressive. Where was it made? The Bride, Okinaw. O-Ren Ishii, Whom in Okinawa made you this steel? The Bride, This is Hattori Hanzo steel. O-Ren Ishii, You lie ! The Bride shows Hattori Hanzo marking on sword. O-Ren Ishii, Swords however, never get tired. I hope you saved your energy. If you havent you may not last five minutes. But as last looks go, you could do worse.
.:What I Thought:.
I would never have even rented this movie, and I was surprised that I enjoyed it very much.
There is a lot of blood, but there is some kindness as well.
Uma Thurman played her role very well. Her body language tells more than when she is getting her revenge.
Vivica A. Fox as Copperhead, is the first one to die.
Sony Chiba as the Japanese sword maker makes a cameo appearance.
Lucy Liu as Cottonmouth makes her presence felt with her graceful moves.
Quentin Tarantino induces style and slickness and the effective product comes out polished with well developed characters and fabulous, executed sequences.
Most of the costumes were made of leather. There was leather worn where I have never seen it worn before.
I wish there had not been so much swearing.
Robert Richardson?s cinematography is brilliant. He uses vibrant colours to match the amount of blood. A part of the sword fight scene was shot in gray, and it added magic to the film. The sword fight between The Bride and O Ren Ishi is just another example of the great cinematography.
Yuen Wo-ping has a flare for choreography when he designs the fight sequences, he is in a class of his own.
The RZA?s background score is wonderful, and it was nice to hear Nancy Sinatra?s sing her version of Bang Bang was again.
.:More Information:.
This was released by Miramax Films in 2004.
Viewing time: 2 hours.
The PG rating is R.
You might have thought that this movie was filmed in China, Japan and the United States, but it was filmed at the Mirimax Studios in L.A.
If you want to know more about this movie, the site is:
.:My Conclusion:.
I cant believe Im saying this but I cant wait to see Volume 2.
Thanks for reading my review.
P.S. Im back in Victoria now.