This review might not belong here...its neither a book review nor a movie review..its the screenplay of KillBill2...with a lil something on the movie itself as well!
Who is Bill? What is the brides real name?What is the ten-point
palm - exploding heart technique?Why are the Crazy 88s named that way? Whats so special about the Black Mamba? Whats the significance of the soundtrack in the movie?
If you havent been able to answer these questions after watching Kill Bill vol1 or 2...read on!
Kill Bill vol2..is just that-volume 2. Its not a sequel...its the grand finale to what began as a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
Tarantino is almost God-like in his power over the art of film making.
His ode to the movies continues in Vol2...
The direction is slick and the violence more palatable somehow..or is it that one is immunized after watching Vol1? If you couldnt sit through Vol1 the first time and the gore just made you stomach turn-I have the solution to your woes! You dont have to be left out of discussions on the movie anymore..and it might even cure you enough to sit through Vol2!
Now herez an unusual way to watch a movie...first..try reading the screenplay-which includes all directorial cues...
(this is the script of kill bill vol 1 and 2...read from chapter 6 if you arent interested in vol1..but id reccomend a full read-youd be surprised how much you missed when you saw vol1!)
And even if you have seen the movie already its a good read-helps you get all the little additions tarantino has that you might miss when you watch the fast paced action on screen...
His ideas on how a scene should look and why he makes characters speak a certain language when they do...and even why certain characters are in the movie at all(like Pai-Mei..the background of whom is not fully revealed in the film)...I dont want to give too much away-but if there are some of you out there who enjoy a good read which interplays with the power of cinema..read the script!!