I have been following F1 for almost a decade now, to be frank was fed up by Schumis dominance in the sport for the span of 2000-04. Kimi made his debut with Sauber but next year itself he was in a hot Mclaren
Replacing none other than Mika Hakkinen(double world champ), he proved his wit immediately by getting better results than his more experienced team mate Coulthard.
2005 season was an absolute stormer from Kimi, I slowly started to admire him and in one point kimi was the reason for me to watch F1 and not the vice versa, ,
Pure talent naturally gifted driver lost out the 2005 championship cuz of car failures and Alonso was the luckiest to grab all the places that Kimi lost. Finally 2007 was Kimis season from nowhere to world champ astounding..
Please come back to F1 iceman