Buying a Kinder Joy is totally waste of money, what we get in 30 rupee 2 chocolate boll and one toy, nothing else.
My little cousin is always buy this when he comes from school, untill the stock is empty in the shop, daily they invest 30 rupee in this. Resion is that got a free toy gift and they collect the all toys to play.
Mytries & puzzled toyes get under this.
Some times my cousin come to me taking the stuff he get in kinderjoy to join and make a new and complete toy.
Ok you give the puzzle toy to join it to inprove the kids itelligence but what about price.
Dont buy a fake product
Honestly says I eat a same product of different company its taste is yakiii . woast its price is 10 rupee nothing in that only some bolls yakiii woast taste
Flavour Satisfaction
I try 3-4 time, its ok taste is good of too boll same as chocolate bolls but in winter they become hard and flavour taste is not proper comes in mouth
Value of money
Nothing to says its not at all fit, if you buy separtely chocalate boll its comes in 10 rupee and small size toy at 10 rupee. its price is really high from starting .
Product pakage
No doubt egg type pakaging and different from other when we separte it silver cotted in to bith side seprately under this thats great
Overall Quailty
They provide a best quailty no doubt but what about price they cant do anything for that.
And kids are kids wants this, . otherwise Cry
Thank you