Hi frinds , my name is saurabh and I gone tell u something about the Kidle paperwhite WiFi.
Frinds I bought this for my grandpa for reading . He likes too much reading in blank time . So I was gifted to my grand pa for the great reading experiance.
Kindle paperwhite WiFi is the really great it provides unsupressced high resolution sharp dark text, kindle readers feels like a real paper.
Kindle has more than 30.000 ebooks over 800, 000 exclusive title and millions on books at lowest prices .for a time and money saving it has a single battry charge . Its charge so esy like an a cellphone. But main feature is that when that charged full ones that using week .
In that entergrated dictionary for enchange our vocabalory and also in this kindle paperwhite wifi with great feature like X-ray and adjestable brightness .it has a Zero directions unlike tablet it made only for reading .and nothing for any app.
The kindle paperwhite is a doesnot. Any cellphone to look good that is a only a reading I pad . For great reading experiances . Kindle paperwhite wifi does not tire our eyes it has a adjestable brightness for a comfertably reading books.
I like the kindle soo much .