Well all the world says that this new bit of kinetic gives an average of 50-55 but does it after carrying a load of lets say 150 kg ............., , no man this piece of ........... is just the old one with more stickers and bla-bla-bla more average.oh man why is this model still in the market I want an answer right now what I like is power and performancenot mere average which can go down as the share market any time any where , heres my advice
1.you want to stay happy dont buy kineti 4s
2.you like comfort dont buy kinetic 4s
3.you want to drive at a high speed ..........................dont buy kinetic 4s
4.you a man of syle and grandeour dont buy it
5.you a cool biker dont buy it
if in the name of god there is anything called justice wipe this piece of......................of the face of earth
- kinetic 4s has an power of 100cc (wave has 110 cooool ha)
2.large seat (gets to uncomfortable you know )
3.less storage space (next o nothing )
4.a cool initial aveage of 55km/l
thanking you I think you know what is good for you and should be abe to understand and please forive y spelling mistakes my mam always remembers to make a remark about it
bye folks..............................