I have been riding and owning a Kinetic 4s for three months now, and my opinion of this scooter is:
there are many advantages of Kinetic 4s viz:
- number one advantage is that it gives very good mileage. I am consistenly getting 55 kmpl or more. on good roads when traffic is low, I get 60 even! this is as good as any motorcycle, plus no hassle of kick start, gear changing etc etc
mileage is most important these days, since petrol has become so expensive now! so this is number one priority and number one benefit.
number two advantage is that it is so easy to ride! what a breeze!! button start, gearless is great; this vehicle also has perfect balance and is very easy to handle.
looks good. I always like kinetic looks, this one with cute new stickering takes it to one more level.
stepny fittment is standard. I like to have stepney as opposed to simply puncture resistant tyres.
metal body is good.
above all, it is so reliable and trusted. we have all used this before and comfort level is very high with this vehicle.
underseat storage is not much but glove box is there, and good floorboard and helmet hook is there so thats good.
overall, I m very highly satisfied with my purchase and recommed heartily to all looking for good mileage on gearless scooter. others like honda activa give only 35 kmpl mileage and like wave give only trouble and migraine. so
say yes to 4s!