I bought this scooter on the 2nd of Oct, 2006, so its been more than 5 months since I have been riding it. Well to be straight forward, this scooter is not at all for milage. The range is ristricted to 30Km/ltr to 40Km/ltr. If someone uses it too roughly then he cannot expect an average of above 30 and even if you try and take complete care in riding the scooter and maintain it as much as possible, it wouldn give you an average above 40, let someone say anything I have tried everything and let me inform you I ride it for almost 50km everyday and that too a highway run but no improvements.
If you need techinical details, the shocka bsorbers are worse, cause they are very sensitive and they have small compressible height, the tyres touch the lower part of the back seat even when it passes over a small pot hole. Also the construction of the back part that is connection between the chasis and the fork assembly is too week and is unstable. The drum breaks are weak as compared to the ones in other two-wheelers. I would suggest you to opt for a disc break version. Being a mechanical engineer I have observed and tested all of this and only then am I trying to write this here. We all know being a 165cc scooter and with a fibre body, the bike becomes delicate and requires frequent maintenance.
Also the clutch makes noice after some days when used under rough conditions and with rough riding. The front handle fork rigid and cannot be repaired once the bike has an accident or even if it is bent a little. The seats are comfortable for a ride for like 40mins or so but beyond that they seem to be uncomfortable, also the pillion rider feels uncomfortable cause the leg rest for the rear seat is too wrongly placed which is a trouble. The mechanics at the authorised service centre are unable to detect a problem and repair it quickly cause the wiring is too complicated and the mechanics arent been trained with the model.
They actually did an R&D with my scooter when I went there for a problem even before my first service. No doubt the scooter gives you an edge with looks and power. I had predicted a few of theses problems but still went forward to buy it cause I didnt have a choice as the market didnt have any other good non-geared scooter as yet exceptHonda Activa andKinetic Blaze and this scooter did suit my personality upto a good extent.
I would suggest to buy this scooter to only those who aint worried about the fuel efficiency and are ready to maintiain the scooter for the sake fo great power and status. Also to tell you, this scooter is very good at pickup cause it beatsPulsar 150cc in it but is unable to beat it at high speeds cause it doesnt have a good top speed as much as Pulsar.