Selecting a bike...well is a bit difficult when you are not sure what is expected from it or having unrealistic expectations. It is simple when you have your clear goals for going to it.
GF125, a bike made by the collaboration of Hyosung Korea should have less flaw and its too early to comment anything with short rides. Again, it depends on what you are expecting. The Engine has 4 valves for 2 inlet & outlets for having a better load to the power and torques. The company claims that 12 HP@8500 RPM(this is something good) from a 124 CC engine for a compression of 10:1(10 is approximate). With these statistics, the bike must be able to do around 50-60 KMPL on average. Definetly the bike should have a good stability & control because of the wider tyres, the design of chasis, thanks to the wider handle bars with vibration dampers and the front disk and legs free starting. But some may find it unsuitable for the city rides which requires quick and harder turns.
Born in a Gym not in a Studio, which sounds more or less commenting against Hero Hondas Passion, Born in a Studio, truly makes us believe that if it wouldve born in a Gym. Designed & made 100% in India, this bike lives with, 178 CC engine delivering, 15 HP at 8000 RPM of compression ratio, 9.5:1 with 2 valves taking the load of the engine. But one must accept the average 45-50 KMPL happily when he delivers more than 120 KMPH.
But my opinion on Bajaj is that, over the years, Ive seen that most of the vehicles from Bajaj have their parts worn out soon, which I want to check in Pulsar too. The great example is KB100&125, the engine is excellent piece with good weight henceforth the had to keep the body light weight. This made the engine vibrate more and causing slight damages to the body and worn out fast. The vibration in Caliber is no exception too, but I havent come across a Boxer yet. The first part to worn out are the side indicators.
Kinetic Honda Dx being collaborated from Honda was a good example and had wonderful engine, with its fame they were able to sell the sluggish Y2K series and some ZX & sport models too. The Energy & Adreno hadnt much complaints as yet and Kinetic has started paying much attention to customers voice(free campaign etc), also the most distinctive feature is that, they delivered what they delivered, especially in Energy, where most of the manufacturers fail.
I was not able to find more details on GF125 compared with Pulsar. But the statistics says almost the same for both vehicles, like, the disc brakes, 5 speed manual gear shifts and both are almost plumpy ones with a bit difficult to ride in heavy traffic situations. But as I conclude the commments on this, I find difficult to rate one above the other because the purpose is not defined clearly. If compared for consumption, braking, ride quality, lights, gears the both of them are close. Except for the top speed and pickup no second thoughts about Pulsar 180 CC.