My kinetic is old. and i/family has done 22k on it.
So it seems I can review this product well.
1) Power: You cannot expect much from an automatic scooter... can u? But yet this one gives u 1% more than enuff.. and if u r female it gices u lotz of power . dont worry.
2)Fuel efficieny: 6 yrs down ... it gives me 31-33 kmpl. Thats I wud say ok with me.. it used to give a bit more . but old is old.
3) Styling: No where near the scooterettes of the day ... yet it was then a queen mann...
I dont ride a scoterette for the style ...
4) Maintanence: Its a reliable machine as long as you service it once in four months .. I would say .. checking tyre pressure---evry week... chking battery ... evry month.. do all these and mann u hav a pucca bike
5) Speed: It gives 70+ with pillion... But its extremely advisable not to speed .. its highly unstable at >50kmph...Its not designed for speed .. if u wanna hav speed take a karitzma.
Especially if ur last service was 6 months back a few hundred screws and nuts will rattle abov 5okmph..
6)Comfort: nowhere near the days standards ... but yet it does not give u backaches for short to medium commutes.