This is to state my bitter experience with yet another authorized service station.
My father and I entered into an AMC (mistake that I repeated and regret once again) and then explained how I wanted my Kinetic Honda ZX (2001 model) tuned after it was transported back home from Ahmedabad on 14.09.06. When I complained (in my second routine service on 29.12.06) about the friction and noise emanating from the front of the scooter, the mgr. immediately offered to change the accelerator cable and I felt that in his “authorized expert opinion” he would probably know best.
Then, when I asked him to do something about the metal grinding away near the silencer, he promptly offered to remove something out of it and billed me an entire silencer as replacement. Funny thing is that for my maintenance, he never gave me a service invoice (the way they did in Ahmedabad). He simply hands me spare part requisition slips as if I only go to him when I need to replace or buy those parts.
If Kinetic is in the business of selling high priced spares, allow me to tell you about my biggest blunder which was today: when I saw the light on my oil indicator glowing and took it for a check-up, he sold me more expensive engine oil solely on the basis of it carrying the Kinetic label, saying that I need to refill every 500 kms.
The reason I am writing this is that I only filled half a liter of oil in January, two months back and I just noticed that the meters on the wheel spin FIVE times faster now than they should. Meaning, for a 3-4 km drive in small town Jamnagar from home to office, the meter now reads 18-20kms. It was staring me right in the face when I put it together. No wonder, I need half a liter of oil EVERY TWO MONTHS and even more petrol EVERY WEEK.
He has turned my scooter into a disaster. At the rate to which he has literally switched the good parts for bad, Ill be pouring money down the drain in petrol and oil every day that I use it.
Please tell the people Kinetic know who are choosing Kinetic to re-consider the Honda scooters instead because there is only one way that I see this manufacturing and servicing going –DOWN, DEEPER AND DEEPER INTO OBLIVION.