Ok this is the update now here....
Kinetic had imported 100 bikes this year & launched at Mumbai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Pune and Bangalore. Hopefully they are ordering some more for Chennai users (Belief is relief).
-----------------This is the original Message------------
No reviews here. Im in a big shock and writing this comments.
Im in Chennai and was very eager to buy Aquila and was saving money since last 3 months, making little progress everyday to collect more & more information on Aquila.
Last night I sent a mail to Kinetic on enquiring her launch in Chennai. What a pity...no one to console me (sobbing...) here is the mail I got:
Dear Ganesh,
Thank you very much for your email and for the interest in our Aquila.
The entire lot of Aquilas have been sold out. Please check our our GF 170
and GF laser which have been recently launched. On hearing from you, we
shall send you complete details of the above bikes.
Jane Rodrigues
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Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this
Ignore the lines beyond this------------------------------------Ignore the lines beyond this