Review of k4-100
Note: This 2 wheeler is under scooters category but it is actually a step thr bike.
People, want to buy a vehicle, will like the read the reviews and road tests of the model they choose to buy. But all the model reviews are not available in web. Especially lower end model like k4-100. Before I bought this one I have read the cross country (KtoK) rally and the comparison tests of scooterretes. ( by Mr. Dilip Bam) which includes k4-100 also. But detailed road test is not available. So I have decided to make this OWNER’S OPINION into a REVIEW by pretending as if I am an auto journalist (remember this is only my view and the only chance I have to write a review). So go on reading as if u r reading an auto magazine. (Don’t worry I have done enough background work by reading the auto books and repair manuals also I wont trouble the readers by giving technical terms).
People least bothered about LOOK should buy this. The HONDA STREET may be a bestseller worldwide but it is a failure in India (HERO HONDA STREET). The step thru’ frame will not attract city travellers. But it is comfortable in a way. Both sex can use. Suppose u have a pillion rider standing behind u, u need not bother him to climb the bike. There is a glove box for utility. (This problem is there in bikes though nowadays though Hero Honda gives sort of a box under the tank). The instrument panel has Speedo, odo and a fuel gauge (which I was thinking not working properly but later found out ok.) There is one information, which is not in the owner’s manual. The reserve tank capacity is only 400ml (full tank is 4 litres) though u can travel 40 km atleast in reserve. (I will come to the mileage fact later).
Fuel tank under the seat is not convenient but not much because if used for short distance going to petrol bunk is not frequent. Also the seat lock is exactly under the driver’s bottom, which sometimes makes the lock lever jammed because of the pressure given during riding.
Engine is 4 stroke, almost 90cc and has 5.7 bhp (I wont go for the torque figures and all). It works exactly like that figure. Not great pickup (which nobody will expect in this bike) but not poor also. Ok for city traffic; somewhat under powered when the signal turns green on the road.
(In signals auto geared vehicles are better moving than geared). Climbing is ok with pillion also.4 gears all up shifting (down shifting if u r using heel). Shifting is ok.The fourth gear is overdriven i.e. it is in between the primary and final drives (0.9). U can drive 15-20 km/hr in top gear. That means if I want to go at 40 I have use the throttle. So some times I feel it should have 5th gear also. Later found out that the bikes those have 5 gears (CBZ, GF125, pulsar, adreno, etc., ) have one more gear not above the 4th gear (0.9). But in between the other gears. So the top gear is the same. (May be some differences in primary and final drives. These are the sprockets for reducing the engine rpm other than the 4 gears but are fixed not adjustable. Primary is inside the box and final is in the rear wheel . So when u are in 4th gear with 0.9 gear ratio it is as if u r driving without the rear sprocket.).Gearbox capacity is 650 ml (remember and inform this to ur mechanic in case u r not doing the oil change urself). Grade is not mentioned but equal to SERVO SUPER which is 20W40 SC/CC grade minimum (other equal grades are IBP MG or XXX, HP Automol or Glide 4T. Castrol GRB plus or Activ 4T) . It is better to check the grade 20W40 . But SC can be SG or SF (higher the letter it is better and costlier).
While driving the things are used by the drivers are brakes, tyres, headlight and other idiot lights (turn signals). Brakes are drum type, which are ok (I don’t think anybody will ask disk brakes for this bike). Tyres are 2.75” both but u will feel not enough in highways. In city it is more than enough. Headlights are only 25/25W, which is very poor but can be increased by putting extra windings in the magneto. (Chances of any body spending money to upgrade this bike is minimum. Whatever u do will not improve the image but may reduce the mileage). Headlights are not connected to battery. Yes! It has 2.5AH battery which is connected to ‘Neutral”, side indicators (why?) and horn (useful). No way beeper can be added for side indicators. Because it is not self-starting and headlight is not connected to battery, charging is not a problem. All the equipments connected to battery don’t drain much (though fuel gauge and neutral work most time while driving). Seat position is taller which makes the handlebar reach slightly bending. Also the seat is inclined towards front which makes travel tired ( long distance).What ever position u sit after some time u find urself in different area.I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS ONE FOR ANYBODY LIKES TO LEARN GEARED BIKES. ( I LEARNT IN ONE DAY).
So we come to the factor for which this bike is famous for and for which everybody buys this one (including me). I was using for station and house with true stop and go city traffic. It gave 70-75 km/lt. Then I used for my office (25 kms with 10 km city and 15 km highway which has 5, 6 bridges) it gave 85. This was some time back. Now after 2500 km still the spark plug and air filter not cleaned I used last week for the office. Be ready to bear the shock). It gave 100 km/litre (99.38). NO OTHER BIKE IN INDIA GIVES THIS MUCH. AND THIS IS NOT THE MAXIMUM U CAN GET .So it is upto the driver to take the maximum out of it. (Please read the article how to take max. out of ur bike in the site: for driving tips)
They say customer is the king. Also they say this is democratic country and kings have no value. Whenever I see any bike (or rather anybody) I have some likes and dislikes .For example why splendor should have rectangle headlamp why not round. Why CBZ should have fairing not simple one if customer wanted. If u have a battery in the bike for some purpose why not include the fuel gauge also. So the customer goes for buying he likes some features and dislikes (rather alterations) others. He will never like all the things or else has to pay more. (But after paying 90, 000 also Eliminator doesn’t have even a tacho or gauge). Some people want to go for alteration (like changing the head light of FIERO) which costs extra money. It applies for K4-100 also. Kinetic’s approach is this is a step thru’ take it or leave it. But I want the same engine gearbox with a bike chassis. Now the Company decided to upgrade the engine to CHALLENGER with 10k more money and 10 km/litre less mileage.
MARKS ( out of 10) ( only my opinion):
Engine response…….8
Road grip……………6
Driving comfort…….6
Maintenance ………..9
Spare parts………….9
Value for money…….10
GREAT FOR CITY TRAVELLING ( though sales in rural areas are better than city)